The Defensor
100 Cable is the next generation sensor cable designed solely for perimeter
security. Its patented magnetic construction combined with the very latest
techniques in sensor cable design have resulted in it being the benchmark
for the industry.
Resulting from
many years of experience of sensor cable design, the Defensor 100 cable
exploits new manufactuirng technology that enhances its performance. Spirawire
is a process where the cable is twisted at exact intervals to provide a
natural rejection capability against radio frequency and electromagnetic
interference. Lubritube is a technique where specially lubricated tubes
enable the precision sensor wires to move freely during an attack.
High levels of
detection are achieved from the improved frequency response that the cable
produces without the need to introduce complex electronic processing or
increase the amplitude of the signal which is the main cause of false alarms
with old generation sensor cables. Detection is linear along the entire
length resulting in no blind spots, providing a detection range of approximately
1.5m either side of the sensor cable.
The Defensor 100 Processor exploits the precision Defensor
100 Cable technology by processing the analog signal
generated by an intrusion attempt on the perimeter fence using two separate channels, each individually adjustable, into alarm outputs for cut, climb and lift attacks.
Self-verification is provided via the class leading audio
output which allows fence activities to be monitored by
listening to the audio output. A special on-board
environmental filter adapts the analyzer to each fence
style and also reduces the incidence of false alarms from
adverse environmental conditions. Industry standard
alarm and tamper outputs enable connection to standard
intruder panels for annunciation. |